Wednesday 19 April 2017

Tips Of How One Can Plan A Seminar?

Event Management of Seminars

Event management of seminars and educational events. Who says learning ends outside the classroom? A popular source of academic, professional or technical instruction, seminars present information to diverse audiences. These tutorials may be private or public, series or single, commercial or informative, lectures or dialogue-based. They are less formal than academic lectures, allowing audience members to interject opinions or discuss results.
In today’s information-saturated marketplace, successful businessperson are expected to learn new information quickly. 50-year-long careers are antiquated relics; mobile young professionals, equipped with powerful research skills and inter-career interests, swell the employment ranks. Seminars are a prime venue for dispersing important expertise in a condensed form. As such, event managers need to have a handle on how to plan a seminar.

Planning of Seminars
Like all successful enterprises, planning for a seminar should begin several months in advance by developing a theme. Is this seminar groundbreaking, philosophical, or technically oriented? Who is the target audience? Select the niche market carefully.
When choosing a venue, do not select the nearest academic hall. Different seminar styles require different facility requirements. The higher the social caliber of the seminar, (e.g. the more VIP personalities) the more prestigious the venue must be. Additionally, the size of the location is dependent upon the estimated attendance figures.
Should the seminar be free? Incidentally, paid seminars typically attract more people than free seminars. Pundits believe that paid seminars present a visage of academic integrity, educational value, increases expectations, and elicit pre-paid customers to be there.
An engaging keynote speaker is vital. After all, seminars are 60% information and 40% entertainment. A prosaic or ignorant speaker will kill and ruin a seminar. Seek respected, renowned speakers early on, and use their reputation as a marketing tool.
Solicit sponsors. Seminars are an effective method for corporations to “get their name out there.” An automaker’s seminar has already assembled a niche market, so local auto dealerships and repairs shops have a sure-fire guarantee of stellar brand positioning.
Develop an audience profile, then market, market, market! Use a descriptive title. Well-attended seminars are marketed 3-4 weeks in advance. Send e-mails , post flyers, write press releases, and use word-of-mouth. Eliminate direct mail – it normally doesn’t work for seminars. Persuade audiences that they should want, or even need, to attend.
Secure audiovisual equipment and practice the presentation. Expect issues, so develop a contingency plan.
Set up a basic registration desk, toss out a few refreshments, and enjoy the show. You worked for it.

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