Wednesday 19 April 2017

What Are The Different Types Of Event?

There are almost countless types of events,some are demanded frequently by customers, others seldom

  • Conferences are popular and important business events. Everything about the event management of academic, medical and business conferences
  •  Seminars educational events for the training of managers and employees. Most seminars are not comparable with boring lectures. Interactivity is core!
  • Meetings are common business events in large companies, perfect to discuss operational and financial strategy.
  • Business Dinners a long-standing corporate tradition to conclude fiscal years, celebrate new milestones or to get in contact with key customers
  •  Golf Events golf tournaments or retreats. Those events aim to acquire new customers, to increase customer loyalty or to motivate employees
  •  Press Conferences perfect business events to promote new products, launch marketing campains or to inform the shareholders and public about financial issues
  •  Networking Events are personal marketing galas. Such events are great opportunities for contact establishment and personal marketing
  •  Incentive Travel are perfect to reward and to motivate employees or to increase customer loyalty and retention. Everything about incentive travel:
  • Team Building Events a key to develop and motivate teams in companies and divisions. Everything about the planning of professional team building events
  •  Trade Shows exhibitions where companies can present and demonstrate their latest products. A professional presentation is crucial.
  • Opening Ceremonies are held to start conventions, annual meetings and other events that last for two or more days. Find everything about opening events
  •  Product Launches are critical for the successful market introduction of some products. A perfect product presentation might also increase the media coverage
  •  Theme Parties events that devote to a special topic. Popular events are casino nights or Halloween parties. Ideas and planning tips
  •  VIP Events are used to increase customer loyalty. Professional planners organizing VIP events that ultimately increase your revenues
  •  Trade Fairs are a great opportunity to present your latest products to customers and business partners.
  • Shareholder Meetings are yearly and obligatory events to inform a corporation’s shareholders about company issues and to elect the Board of Directors
  • Award Ceremonies are great events to honor and motivate key staff or to acquire and retain customers. Event planners are able to organize events to remember
  • Incentive Events motivate employees or close the ties to customers. Event managers are planning events that help to enhance customer loyalty
  • Board Meetings focus on strategic goals and visions. The event venue and the planning process should reflect the prestigious nature of these meetings
  • Executive Retreats escapes from stressful work schedules and the day-to-day business. Learn how they should stimulate free thinking and creativity
  • Weddings should be the most important days in the life of brides, grooms and their families. Professional event managers help to plan the events
  •  Birthdays require seldom a professional event manager, but there are exceptions. Find out how event managers can help you to make your party a success
  • Wedding Anniversaries celebrate milestones in a couple’s life together. Ideas and hints that help you to plan those events or find professional even managers
  • Family Events are great opportunities to assemble whole families. We offer hints and ideas to plan perfect family events like birthdays, weddings, etc.

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