Wednesday 19 April 2017

What Is The Importance Of A Checklist?

checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. 
It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. A basic example is the "to do list." A more advanced checklist would be a schedule, which lays out tasks to be done according to time of day or other factors. A primary task in checklist is documentation of the task and auditing against the documentation.
Checklists are used in graphical user interfaces.
The below picture shows the need of checklist
Event Planning Checklist Template


Checklists are often presented as lists with small check-boxes down the left hand side of the page. A small tick or check-mark is drawn in the box after the item has been completed.
Other formats are also sometimes used. Aviation checklists generally consist of a system and an action divided by a dashed line, and lack a checkbox as they are often read aloud and are usually intended to be reused.


Excessive dependence of checklists may hinder performance when dealing with a time-critical situation, for example a medical emergency or an in-flight emergency. Checklists should not be used as a replacement for common sense. Intensive training including rote-learning of checklists can help integrate use of checklists with more adaptive and flexible problem solving techniques.
One can also refer to the another picture below for the sample of checklist for event planning
if you are a fresher and want to have an idea of how to make an apt checklist then the most appropriate checklist is as following :

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